You are a writer?
We would be happy to receive corrections or complements about your bibliography.
Do not hesitate if you wish to add other information;
Below is the complete list of what we can currently add on a bibliographical page:
Nationality, date of birth and birthplace,
Small biographical paragraph (feel free for the contains),
Link towards your Web site, or a personal page (if it exists)
All texts of fiction translated in french (in any of the following genres: sf, fantastic, fantasy, horror... Refer to note 1) published on printed medium (including fanzines and vanity presses), with indication of the first publication date and original and variant (if any) titles. We're also interested by your non-fiction books (essay, guide...) et even texts, even if the data is not immediately displayed on our site,
Among these fictions, list of those which belong to a cycle or a series,
All this information will be welcome, according to your wishes or preferences.
If you want to help us, please send an e-mail to .
Many thanks!
Note 1: we are sorry, but we cannot reference novels, short stories or any other text out of the aforementioned genres.